Mark, it'd be helpful if you actually read the posts before replying. And it'd also be helpful if you stopped making assumptions based on previous incorrect assumptions.
The wording and the rules are in a somewhat contradictory state right now, and so I'm not "telling" anyone anything: I'm asking, and hypothesizing about the gradual shift that may be occurring.
The WHS PDF that governs England says a player is "expected" to post "all acceptable scores." General Play is an acceptable score, and an approved format, thus, among the player's responsibilities is to post all General Play scores that otherwise meet the definition for an acceptable score (conforming equipment, etc.).
The language about how you "can" post a General Play or a "social" score is ambiguous at best, leading to the general questions around the current state of the rules, expectations, etc.
Do you deny that there's a conflict in the way the rules are written in these two parts? Or is it just the history of not having had to or even been allowed to post casual play scores that is leading to your insistence that the language in the "required" section above (my labels) doesn't mean what it seems to pretty clearly say? Or do you acknowledge it says that, but give more weight to the ambiguous language about how you "can" post a social round score?
Again, I think that the WHS is in transition in countries/associations where comp scores used to be all that you could count to a phase where it'll be much more like the U.S. has been - where the rules/expectations/requirements are that almost all scores, including casual rounds, will be posted.
Right now casual play round posting seems like it's optional because you "can" submit those scores (even though the other language says you are "expected to" submit them), but I could see in the future that language aligning more with what the USGA has said for decades.