Ouch Simon. Perhaps knowing more about the development and design of Lookout Mountain in Phoenix would be helpful. The course has accommodated 1.5 million rounds since its opening. While today we would do things a lot differently, every square inch was done for a reason — it's rich story whether you like the courser or not.
Not my quotation, which I included as I found it a classic pithy Scottish quip.
I did enjoy it far more than the late great Sandy did...it felt a course of a particular time..that required shot-making many don't possess...I was a younger better player back then so could cope...but desert golf if dialled up can be a very tough exam. We had to play the desert as lateral hazards as too many were losing balls and were nervous of all that the desert contains...esp. Jumping Choya's
Both my examples were very tough courses of that age, we seem to have moved on to more accomodating design for resort golf which may get more commercial success and repeat visitation. But yes I accept there is a place for some to experience a really tough course every once in a while...
I would genuinely love to hear more of its development, I recall it as pretty challenging site...but it is many years ago...on this thread or DM's welcome