Aren't you a high school teacher? Gobsmacked?
What's your point here Brian?
Are you degrading Ronald for being a high school teacher?
Or criticizing him for introducing a new word to young minds in his classes (or interjecting here in such an "august" group)?
As for the Good Guys and their experiences anywhere, I couldn't care less.
Hahaha. Not even close. I should not have left my comment open to so much interpretation. My bad.
I am suggesting that a HS teacher, who is exposed to young people all day every day, might be more in touch with this group of guys and their core demographic. Ron is an intelligent and thoughtful person, so I am shocked that he is shocked. As for his vocabulary, it is far better than my own, so I would never dream of criticizing it.
I have a teen son who is just getting into golf, in a big way. The Good Good guys are right up his alley, and I don't have a problem with that. While they may not be knowledgeable about classic golf course architecture, or many other things in which I am interested, I don't really view them as bad influences. Not terribly bad, anyway.
Also - if anyone else read into my brief comment that I was in any way attempting to "degrade" HS teachers, or Ron himself, please let me know (here or in private). Such negativity never even crossed my mind. I hold youth educators in the absolute highest regard. My mother was a HS teacher. My sister is a grade school teacher. My mother in law was a middle school teacher. The greatest influences in my daughter's (a HS senior) life have been a few of her teachers. It feels weird that I need to type all of this out, but reading Peter's response was literally painful. I guess I should know better than to just post such open-ended comments. Back off socials for me again! Apologies to anyone that may have been offended.