I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that most people here have the opportunity and privilege to travel a little bit and get to see golf courses, if they so choose. With that, tastes are ever-changing. I can remember personally, when I saw Banff Springs, I became obsessed with heavily-detailed, artistic bunkers; when I saw Shinnecock, I was equally enthralled by the massive angles opened up by Flynn's wings at the back of the green (18 is such a brilliant example of that). Recently, Muirfield really captured my attention, because I felt like it did nearly the most possible for the site it was given. In that regard, it reminds me of Pinehurst No. 2.
With that in mind, where are you at with your own tastes? What intrigues you, or what will you go out of your way to see?
For me and building off my experience at Muirfield, I'm very interested in golf courses so low-key and low to the ground that it relies heavily on subtle contour, rather than the big, macro movement some of the golden age stuff is blessed with. I'm an Apogee West defender for this reason (its not without its own issues, but I think it is a very good set of greens), and similarly, Brambles is high at the top of my list as well. I've always been a fan of Talking Stick, and Sandglass' concept is atop my curiosities, to name a few that interest me along the lines of low-to-the-ground, making the most out of little.
That's not to say I wouldn't go out of my way to play something with big contour because generally, those courses are a comfortable amount of the America's best layouts, but I find myself walking away more impressed when someone can a) turn nothing into something, and b) avoid the desire to get too crazy, too extreme, and too wild all because someone has the money to do so.
On the other side of the coin, I've become very fond of the small-town nine hole golf courses chock-full of quirk. In Canada, there's a fair bit of weird and wacky small-town golf courses that are good/interesting, and it's rewarding to figure out which ones are worth telling someone from Toronto/Montreal/Calgary/Vancouver to go to.
What are you into these days?