> Golf Course Architecture Discussion Group

Untapped Areas for National Club Development

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Frank Sekulic:
I have always thought the Pine Barrens area of NJ would be a great spot for development.

Halfway between two of the biggest metro area’s in America with plenty of sandy soil to build upon.

I remember reading a few years ago that the Keiser’s were supposedly looking at land there but, I guess that was only an internet rumor.

Andrew Harvie:

--- Quote from: Alex_Hunter on February 13, 2025, 10:02:49 AM ---Believe it or not, the sand hills of Saskatchewan is a good untapped area for real golf development

--- End quote ---

Alberta Dunes would have been quite the golf course had it gone through, though it makes Bandon Dunes look urban!

Joe Wandro:
The sandy oak covered ridges of eastern Iowa. Also the duney areas south of Albuquerque seem attractive. My guess is that water rights would be difficult anywhere in SW.

Ben Malach:
I think the interesting answer to this question is there are a lot of First People's reservations. That might be willing to negotiation of long term leases.

A lot of these reservations are located in areas within that 2.5-3 limit from an international airport.

It would be interesting to see more first people's golf development. From what I have seen of a lot of them that take it seriously, they end up being very successful for everyone involved.

David Kelly:
I would imagine that the Apache tribe selling Apache Stronghold outright to someone who would make it private would be a non-starter.  They could probably sell or share the operating/management rights with someone but the same problems would still be there - remoteness, being attached to a non-desirable casino operation, etc.


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