I don't have a voting protocol set up, but in the era of March Madness copycats and lookalikes, here's a 16-course battle for all the marbles.
New England Bracket: Cape Arundel vs. Ekwanok
Central NY Bracket: Yahnundasis vs. CC Troy
Western NY Bracket: Stafford vs. Orchard Park
Ontario Bracket: Cherry Hill vs. Lookout Point
Long Island Bracket: Garden City CC vs. Garden City GC
Garden State Bracket 1: North Jersey vs. Hollywood
Garden State Bracket 2: White Beeches vs. Canoe Brook
Rogue Bracket: Round Hill vs. CC Scranton
Travis, like many other architects, deserved a longer laundry list of CTR (courses that remain.) Thanks to the work of the Bruce H, the Jaeger K, the Brian S, the Tom D, perhaps (cue Lorax misty eyes) unless will become indeed.