Tell me, why *shouldn’t* a place capitalize on their product? [Great question. This "place" -- what are the stated goals for the organization? And who is setting said goals?]
What do you know about Sutherland? [Not much but eager to learn more, please do tell...]
The story of the Highlands is one of depopulation. After the failure of the Jacobite Rising in 1745/6, the clan chiefs started to turn from stewards of the land into landlords as we would understand the term, and they sought to increase the income from their holdings. This led to many thousands of Highlanders -- the best estimate is 150,000 over about 150 years -- being forcibly evicted from their ancestral lands, and in most cases, forced to emigrate, to Canada, America and Australasia mainly. Essentially the people were removed from the land to make way for sheep, which generated more income.
Sutherland was one of the most severely affected parts of the Highlands. The story of the Sutherland Clearances is absolutely horrible: James Hunter's book 'Set Adrift on the World' covers the story of Sutherland and is recommended, but it isn't easy reading. And the population has continued to plunge, as people, especially the young, have left the area in search of more opportunities. In 2020, only 61 babies were born in the whole of Sutherland, which has seen its population halve, to 13,000, in the last 150 years, which postdates the Clearances.
So any sources of strong economic activity in the Highlands generally are priceless. This is why Brora trying to maximise its economic potential is important to the area, and why the plans for Coul Links could be significant: a cluster of courses that includes Dornoch, Brora and Coul would draw significant money into the area and create a fair amount of opportunities for locals.