The 7th hole at NGLA doesn't need to be lengthened for the Walker Cup, it needs to be lengthened for everyday play in order to preserve the value and challenge of the tee shot, which is absolutely critical on a Road Hole.
Changing the par from 5 to 4 will not restore the loss of strategic value on the tee shot, which is a vital component, an integral strategic necessity to a road hole.
After spending 30 minutes surveying the hole with George Bahto and me, we thougth you understood this. Evidently not
Tell me again, how changing par restores the lost tee shot values at # 7 and preserves the Strategy inherent in a Road Hole
NGLA is so unique, so startling, so remote, that those seeing it on TV will be most favorably impressed. I'm also sure that TV coverage will reference the previous Walker Cup at Shinnecock as well as the Opens at Shinnecock, with reviews of Shinnecock.
The exposure, to millions of golfers has to have a positive effect.
With respect to ANGC you're dead wrong.
The first year ANGC put copper sulfate or other chemical into the ponds to give them the "Blue" look, the next year, the copycat versions sprung up all over the nation, including my home course in New Jersey.
The one year that the mowed their fairways in a unique pattern, the next year many clubs copied the practice.
There is an automatic knee jerk reaction to almost everything golfers see on TV, and NGLA would expose them to quirk, unusual holes, marvelous conditions and a treeless look.
The impact would be immediate and stunning, and NGLA would be immediately established as a benchmark for other courses to emulate.