Congrats to my former employee. He was and is a heck of a designer. He left me and went to JN, and I see influences from both of us, albeit more from Jack's side, which makes sense since he worked there later and longer than for me.
The tree on 3 looks like it is near the apex of the approach shot, offering the options of a fade, draw, or high shot. I know many don't like trees, but I think this works just fine. Ditto the double fw on 8. I mean, the idea is not new. I think this is well executed at least from the aerial view. Choices include laying back far enough on the right to be able to fly the tree and hitting it very long on the left to get past the 3 trees, which improves the approach angle (if you still believe in that sort of thing......) or laying up well back in the wider portion of the fw, which narrows just as the distance advantage is gained.
Congrats again. I always like to see my proteges (including John Colligan and Jeff Blume) appear on these lists. They get all the credit, but I like to think I taught them something that contributed to their success.
(edited to switch hole numbers)