I don't post here any longer for obvious reasons, but the photo you clipped is not from The Covey. If you'd been there you'd know that.
Just trying to get ahead of the shit show. Everyone should go back to the much more interesting and important Hal Hicks post.
Thanks for noting that my referenced photo was not from the Covey course; I've removed it. I'm always happy to be corrected, and want my participation to be commensurate with a discussion group and not an echo chamber. Although I do imagine my quip about Covey having more ornamental boulders in its creek system than Old Barnwell or Tree Farm still stands.
I think there's absolutely nothing wrong with the different golf publications having varied stances on what makes courses, particularly new ones, better than its peers. It's more rewarding for a wide-ranging golf audience to know not just about Wild Spring Dunes but Miakka or Trout National. I'd certainly prefer more traffic get directed to Big Cedar Lodge, as an example, if it resulted in alleviating demand at Sand Valley.
The photos from Brian Oar give much more flavor than the club's website. I'd like to learn more about the course. I don't think you've posted about it on Instagram? Perhaps Sam Morrow can elaborate more about the design.
You are right, I have not been, and like any course I haven't yet played, I earnestly try to keep my initial impressions elastic enough for being changed. The course looks like a very nice Doak 6.