Picking up on David's post, I was at Jasper Park GC three weeks after the fire had swept through. The golf course survives the wildfire because there is less fuel, less heat and the presence of moisture. Jasper will return next year because the resources are there to make it happen and the resort survived the fire.
You need the resources to reorganize and keep going. Reestablishing the water system is essential. It will have some damage. Finding the people and equipment to maintain what is left behind. That's possible, but they may not get access for a month and that will decide the immediate fate of what's left.
I hope this post doesn't come across as disrespectful to the community. I hummed and hawed about whether to post or not on this matter over a few days. I feel for the city. I feel for the families and businesses. The whole thing brought me right back to Jasper townsite and made me sad all over again. I have a personal connection to Jasper. I will be in Jasper this spring supporting the town. #LAStrong