I played the Plantation for the first time this past summer, and really loved it. If I am being honest, the scenery is what I will remember most, but I don't consider that any slight to the course design. The constant views of the sea and Molokai are among the best backdrops in the world. In terms of actual design, I thought the variety was really impressive, utilizing different combinations of distance, uphill/downhill, with/against prevailing winds (or at least taking into account the seasonal wind patterns). I was going to ask why the routing would be considered great (or even good), but in the process of drafting this response, I thought about the severity of the land, the changing winds, and quality of the golf holes, and think I have a sense for it. On first impression, it seems a poor routing, due to the long transitions and disconnects, but considering what C&C had to work with, it is incredible that they could build 18 very good holes and piece them together in a remotely cohesive fashion. Along the lines of rating the site quality vs. final result quality. Is that it, or is there more to it?