"Whistling straits was built along lake Michigan. Yet, you could argue it has no hole that rivals the 17th at Pebble for challenge, beauty and drama, let alone the 7th."
Mike, have you played Whistling Straits? I have. On a clear, sunny day, those holes along the water are more than the equal of the ridiculous hourglass of the 17th at Pebble, and give the OG 7th (the one with all the surrounding sand) a run for its money.
The two holes at Pebble that you cite are not great holes, that benefit from God's hand, and are the only reason we are discussing them. In contrast, there are iconic holes in ugly locales, that you've planted orange cones around, and detoured.
I think, at this juncture, that your initial question has been shown to be flawed, and that additional attempts at supporting the flawed question, are wasted time and space.