First off

I love the place . It has been the primary reason for my passion for golf club architecture and a myriad of wonderful memories , co-workers and great friends for the last 50 years. Not to discount my start at Woodcrest CC, but my time at the "Valley" galvanized my love for the game.
So , before my memory fades I thought I would rank the holes , not by difficulty but by affinity! For all of those who have spent any time there this list could likely swap my #18 th favorite, note "favorite" with their number 1. Such is the greatness of the Crump design (along with his fellows) Ok, let's have at it!
1 yep number one is my favorite, at least today. It sets the bar for the whole day. Be fearless and challenge the corner on
the opening tee shot , don't want a long shot to this green
4 would have been my top choice if not for the "new" bunkers (25 years ago) that changed the angle of the tee shot for
many! Even so, too many great things going on here particularly the second shot
16 just so pretty walking down to the green with water everywhere! also the scene of my favorite Ernie Ransome moment
2 Is it the finest green out here , probably

Giant breaks in front and pernicious as hell in the back
11 best cut-thru for caddies here and even on the hottest days there was a breeze , subtle genius in the design here
9 the new addition of the skyline green (left) made this one move up on the list....great two shotter
13 gotta stripe the tee shot right of center and then the splendor of the second shot opens to the eye
5 one of the best par threes on the planet , so it has to get some respect. Green demands your full attention
15 it is so hard to build a fortress par five, particularly now that distance is out of control ..... still valid today as a three shot is so difficult that many a great round ends here
8 how could I wait so Crump Cup qualifier might be the scariest par
18 awesome finishing hole where despite it's difficulty you can make a birdie (or double)
7 Hell's Half Acre is the defining feature here , the longest hole on a course where distance isn't the most important skill
3 two disparate sections to this downhill par three , so get your yardage right
6 bite off as much as you like on this "Cape" hole but maybe a three wood a better option with the new tee, miss Alec
Ewing to this day!
17 the new tee a great add on , before that the easiest hole on the course , in match play a pivotal hole in high level matches
10 there is another bunker lurking left on this hole that is unmentionable too
14 if it's even a little windy never wanted to hit first here
12 beautiful little par four with a green that slopes away , have to hit your tee shot long and right to get an easy angle
post script Merry Christmas to all you who listen to my PVGC rants...bless you all
It will be fifty (50) years this summer that Tommy Elder (RIP) hired me to caddie there. Loved that guy! and to Charley Raudenbush GM-pro emeritus thank you too!