The recent post on ranking the holes at Pine Valley from 1-18 causes me to remember a post-round game taught to me that can lead to a great discussion on the quality of a course--
After a round, over a beer or whatever, everyone who played takes a scorecard and puts a number of 1 through 18 for the best to the worst hole on the course. Someone then totals up all the rankings--and that leads to a discussion.
The premise--at least said by the person who taught me this--is that the higher the consensus of opinions, the lower the course should be regarded. In other words, if there is agreement on the worst holes, then the course has clear shortcomings. If there is no consensus, this shows a course of consistent quality.
I'm sure this "game" is not perfect--but it is fun, leads to good discussion, and probably has some merit in judging a course.