UPDATE on soft/hard-cap
"anti-abuse" system, a few data points:
> 71 members of the club caught up in the soft/hard-cap
"anti-abuse" seine net. There are about 250
active* golfers, so 28% are branded with the scarlet
> Daryl David says 50% of his group has been caught in the seine net: "I would say 50% of my golf group was under the oppression of the soft cap sometime this winter season. That’s just weird. None of them are “cheaters”."
> Out of curiosity I looked up every Chris Hughes (and derivation thereof) in GHIN, there were 58. After cleaning up the data to only include
active* golfers there were 21 -- of the 21 there were 7 caught in the
"anti-abuse" seine net = 33%.
> Furthermore, a couple of us contacted the USGA to see if they had any published info on soft/hard-cap. A nice young lady replied promptly and said: "In 2023, overall there was a 12-13% incident rate for soft caps and 0.71% incident rate for hard caps."
So, in 2023, at any point in time 12.5-13.5% of
ALL handicap holders were caught in the soft/hard-cap
"anti-abuse" seine net.
I'd be surprised if much more than 40% of all golfers with a handicap are truly
active*, but to be conservative let's call it 50%......implies 25-27% of ALL active* golfers are caught up in the soft/hard-cap "anti abuse" seine net -- this is wrong! I think I will organize a protest...
*Active defined by:
1. Posted 20 or more scores since January of 2023.
2. Posted 15 or more scores since January of 2024.