I would like to say, "thank you" to Mr. Andrew Good, GM of Cruden Bay, for providing me with clarification on the changes. I contacted Mr. Good after writing my initial post and made an error in referencing St. Olaf 9th instead of 1st.
First, I confess Cruden Bay's Championship course is my wife's favorite golf course in the UK - more so than TOC, Sunningdale, Dornoch, Swinley Forest, Prestwick, RSG, etc.
I was at Cruden Bay last week and noticed they made a change to the 18th hole on the Championship Course. I didn't confirm this statement, but was told the primary reason for moving the 18th tee box is safety.
I think the new tees are an improvement to the 18th hole. There is a risk-reward option for the player to cut the corner with the new tee boxes.
The 18th
419 yds fr. back tees
366 yds fr. from tees
This is a link to the club's flyover video of the 18th hole, old tees -
https://youtu.be/qerDxXklmiY?si=KQC30NKzOyWRzs5xUsing Google map, the diagram shows the layout of the 18th hole. One thing you'll notice is an active road that wraps from the club house down to maintenance structures directly behind the old 18th tee boxes. While I was playing, I noticed several delivery & maintenance vehicles on the road.
More important, the location of the practice green on the left of the 18th fairway - adjacent to common landing area. It wasn't uncommon for tee shots to find their way onto the green.
(Note: incorrect reference of St. Olaf 9th tee & green, actually 1st. hole St. Olaf)

This is a snap shot from the video, showing the location of the old 18th tee boxes behind the road and adjacent to driving range's fence.
Photo from clubhouse towards 17th hole, old 18th tee boxes (brown area in front of maintenance structures), practice green, active road, and maintenance structures.

The photo below is from the club's course guide with an insert of the new layout.

The new tee boxes are on the right side of the 17th green. The 18th is now requires more of a dogleg right tee shot.

Photo from clubhouse towards 17th hole and locations for old and new 18th tee boxes. The practice green is large and in direct line with old tee boxes.
On left of new tees is new location of 1st green for St. Olaf course. I believe the new 18th tee boxes are on the old 1st green of St. Olaf.

View of 17th green from 17th fairway, left side of 17th green & bunkers is location of old tee boxes. New tee boxes are on right edge of photo.

View from area across road from old 18th tee box.

View from new 18th tee box - white. 18th green on right. Risk & reward to carry gorse or land on 1st fairway of St. Olaf course.

Another view from 18th white tee - zoom. 18th green on far right.

Photo below, cutting the corner to carry to green. You can see the club cut modified St. Olaf 1st hole & cut down gorse. I'm not sure if this is to temp players to go for 18th green off tee.

View from other side of 18th fairway (18th green to left of image) showing 1st fairway of St. Olaf.

View from 18th green down 18th fairway. New 18th tee boxes behind gorse on left. Old 18th tee boxes center in front of maintenance structures.

Zoom view from 18th green back down 18th fairway. You can see the old tee boxes located in front of maintenance structures.