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Steve Lapper

Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #25 on: April 19, 2024, 09:09:43 AM »
I really enjoyed seeing Tiger play so well on the first 36, +1 and tied for 22nd.

82-77 he ended up dead Last, what happened?

Pretty surprised (given the lengthy recovery he needs) that they put him late-early.
Tiger IS the needle, and I'm sure he would have preferred earlyish-lateish.
Then throw in an 8pm finish and a 7:50 start due to weather(exactly as predicted) and you have a challenge for anyone, much less recovering, aging Tiger.

Tiger struck the ball very well, but throw in the adrenaline rush and the crazy schedule, as well as the incredibly fine lines from the wind and firm conditions, and the weekend poor play was at least somewhat predictable.
He was happy he could walk 72 holes, and knows the ball striking is there.

Tiger will be back-I for one don't think the weekend play was anywhere near "new normal" for him, and expect him to contend again.
Having no starts since LA didn't help.

I look for him to play well at Troon, and to contend again at Augusta, which always seem to reward aging GOATS and former champions.

  This will likely be antithetical to the majority of opinions here, but who cares??

 Let me be the first to say that Tiger's records and past play deserves the utmost respect. He clearly had been the world's best and most dominant golfer for several decades. Both his physical and mental game were unparalleled. He moved the media and attention needle and still does to some measure. He's enriched his fellow golfers more than anyone since Arnie for sure. For all of this he deserves all the accolades thrown his way.

   I'd argue his lasting impact on game was mixed. His behavior off the course left quite a bit to be desired. His modus operandi was to always project competitive arrogance. Nothing heinous about that, but he kept a list of enemies, perceived or otherwise. He was hardly the role model for the decency of the game. His struggles with prescription drugs, the opposite sex, and cavalier indifference to his fans* contributes, like it or not, to his legacy.

 Playing under (self-inflicted) physical duress may seem admirable and brave, but its all too clear that his body stands in the way of achieving further competitive success. I never want to see any potential GOAT suffer whatsoever, yet it's hard to be a fan, let alone sympathetic to a golfer of Tiger's stature play out the twilight of his career limping under the glare of the television klieg lights.

 I'd love to see him become the game's total statesman (ala Arnie) and publicly contribute to repairing the pro game along with truly using his influence to help golf grow and help better the communities it exists in. Just one man's opinion.   

*I(along with a beloved past GCA'er), watched him at a practice round for a major promise multiple times a group of young fans that he would sign their hats and flags after he finished his work, only to walk right past those little kids at the end and totally ignore their pleas. Watching and listening to a young girl cry and tell her Mom that "Mr. Tiger didn't honor his promise," left an indelible mark.


« Last Edit: April 20, 2024, 06:52:54 AM by Steve Lapper »
The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking."--John Kenneth Galbraith

Bruce Katona

Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #26 on: April 19, 2024, 10:42:00 AM »

As always, a well constructed and thought out response; hi-lighting items/issues that sometimes are glossed over by the masses.

Many elite athletes have been held in high esteem by their fan base for outstanding feats on the athletic field, and have failed spectacularly when interacting with fans in small groups once the spotlight is off them.  For every Arnold Palmer, Yogi Berra or Byron Nelson, there is a Mickey Mantle or Diego Maradona who struggle.

If you haven't seen the piece, back in January Rory McIlroy was on Stick to Football (UK Football podcast) where Rory chatted for an hour with Gary Neville (Man U), Jamie Carragher, Ian Wright & Roy Keane (Man U & perhaps the one of the greatest Irish footballers of all time).

Gary, Jamie & Ian very early on in the piece baited Rory, who is a diehard Man U fan (season tix), into telling everyone who is all-time favorite Man U player is, with Roy sitting right across.  Without fail Rory shoots back "Becks"(David Beckham) and the lads all lose it laughing while Roy Keans is sitting their with a sh!t eating grin on.  The guys dig in and ask Rory why he said Becks.  Rory's reply is: " Gary- When I was 11-12 we were at a hotel where United was staying. Roy Keane is my hero, like most Irish lads.  I work up the nerve to walk over to where he's sitting in the lobby to ask for an autograph. I respectfully request a signature from Roy, who turns around and says " Not today kid" and turns away.  Roy of course has no recall of this as it likely happened more than once.

The interview then goes in this direction and autographs & fan interaction. Rory says that he tries to make the time (sign 99, refuse the last one and your an a$$hat) for fans since " It's 15-30 seconds of my time for a signature or a selfie but this fan will remember the interaction for a lifetime."

Our sports heroes are all human as well, with all the associated warts, pimples and human failings.

"If my words did glow with the gold of sunshine
And my tunes were played on the harp unstrung
Would you hear my voice come through the music
Would you hold it near as it were your own....."
Robert Hunter, Jerome Garcia

Kalen Braley

Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #27 on: April 19, 2024, 12:09:21 PM »
To go along with Steve's post, as I know my opinion is also unpopular.

IMO Tiger is the absolute GOAT of golf and his latest recovery/comeback has been nothing short of amazing <Full Stop>.

... but at this point given how much he struggles just to finish an event, much less compete, should he really be taking someone else's spot in the big events/Majors?  (The Masters being the exception as he's not using a tee time that would be allocated otherwise)

« Last Edit: April 19, 2024, 12:16:51 PM by Kalen Braley »

Jason Thurman

Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #28 on: April 19, 2024, 01:06:47 PM »
As long as he's making cuts and drawing eyeballs, it's hard for me to think he's doing wrong. All the KPIs for a golf tournament are still bolstered by his presence.

Whatever tournament appearances he has left in him, we've already surely seen some 90% of the golf that Tiger will ever play in the public spotlight. I can remember being a child and watching Jack, Arnie, Trevino, and even somebody like Chi Chi Rodriguez tee it up occasionally. I never saw any of them win an event, but I'm glad I got to see them play. It's pretty ridiculous to suggest that Tiger F. Woods should start sitting out so that he's not taking a spot from some journeyman. I'm personally grateful that he's still willing to go through the pain and preparation. I've never wanted more from him than to watch him play golf. For all the things he may or may not be otherwise, I still find him riveting on that front.
"There will always be haters. That’s just the way it is. Hating dudes marry hating women and have hating ass kids." - Evan Turner

Some of y'all have never been called out in bold green font and it really shows.

Niall C

Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #29 on: April 19, 2024, 03:24:10 PM »

Fair play to you for saying "in my opinion" in your statement on Tiger. I find it hard to take seriously anyone who says "undoubtedly" or "inarguably" when claiming their favoured player as the greatest of all time. Personally, when all things are considered, I think Jack is the GOAT but I recognise there are a number of players that could stake a claim.



Kalen Braley

Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #30 on: April 19, 2024, 04:25:33 PM »

Fair play to you for saying "in my opinion" in your statement on Tiger. I find it hard to take seriously anyone who says "undoubtedly" or "inarguably" when claiming their favoured player as the greatest of all time. Personally, when all things are considered, I think Jack is the GOAT but I recognise there are a number of players that could stake a claim.



My intent was not to start yet another Jack vs Tiger debate, so I tried to avoid that!   (Even if I can claim there is "inarguably" no one else who could or should be included in that discussion.)  ;D

However, the main point still stands, that its no more compelling to watch Tiger in these big events, than it was seeing MJ come back and play with the Wizards...even if they are both GOATs in their respective sports.

cary lichtenstein

Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #31 on: April 19, 2024, 09:03:31 PM »
As long as he's making cuts and drawing eyeballs, it's hard for me to think he's doing wrong. All the KPIs for a golf tournament are still bolstered by his presence.

Whatever tournament appearances he has left in him, we've already surely seen some 90% of the golf that Tiger will ever play in the public spotlight. I can remember being a child and watching Jack, Arnie, Trevino, and even somebody like Chi Chi Rodriguez tee it up occasionally. I never saw any of them win an event, but I'm glad I got to see them play. It's pretty ridiculous to suggest that Tiger F. Woods should start sitting out so that he's not taking a spot from some journeyman. I'm personally grateful that he's still willing to go through the pain and preparation. I've never wanted more from him than to watch him play golf. For all the things he may or may not be otherwise, I still find him riveting on that front.

I dissagree, I used to watch Ben Hogan & Sam Snead, still love watching the swing of Freddy Couples and I'd pay to watch one at bat of Babe Ruth.
Live Jupiter, Fl, was  4 handicap, played top 100 US, top 75 World. Great memories, no longer play, 4 back surgeries. I don't miss a lot of things about golf, life is simpler with out it. I miss my 60 degree wedge shots, don't miss nasty weather, icing, back spasms. Last course I played was Augusta

Erik J. Barzeski

Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #32 on: April 20, 2024, 05:49:08 PM »
I'd love to see him become the game's total statesman (ala Arnie) and publicly contribute to repairing the pro game along with truly using his influence to help golf grow and help better the communities it exists in. Just one man's opinion.
So we're just going to overlook that Arnie was a serial philanderer, and that Tiger appears to be a better father to his kids than Arnie was to his?
Erik J. Barzeski @iacas
Author, Lowest Score Wins, Instructor/Coach, and Lifetime Student of the Game.

I generally ignore Rob, Tim, Garland, and Chris.

Rob Marshall

Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #33 on: April 21, 2024, 08:32:43 AM »
I'd love to see him become the game's total statesman (ala Arnie) and publicly contribute to repairing the pro game along with truly using his influence to help golf grow and help better the communities it exists in. Just one man's opinion.
So we're just going to overlook that Arnie was a serial philanderer, and that Tiger appears to be a better father to his kids than Arnie was to his?

Never heard a bad word about Arnie as a father or grandfather. I have heard first hand, many stories about people I know meeting Arnie. Not one is negative. Can't say the same for Jack or Tiger. I even have a friend who caddied for Arnie after writing him a letter. Arnie sent him cards for years after. As far as serial philanderer, I'm pretty sure that was between Arnie and Winnie and their business not yours. I have never been more thankful that you ignore my posts......

For interested......

People can change ala Nick Faldo and I see a difference in Tiger, obviously just thru the media. He's taking a stand against LIV and at this point in his career he doesn't need too. Maybe it's because of the respect he had for Arnie...........
« Last Edit: April 21, 2024, 03:16:38 PM by Rob Marshall »
If life gives you limes, make margaritas.” Jimmy Buffett


Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #34 on: April 21, 2024, 10:06:12 AM »
As I write this from the comfort of my glass house, I’m grateful that my life has been relatively free of not only the temptations that fame and money bring, but also of media and public scrutiny on my every move.

I have loved watching the genius of Tiger Woods, as I did with Palmer and Nicklaus. I felt the same way about watching Greg Maddux pitch, Michael Jordan hoop, Tom Brady play QB, and on and on.  I can’t think of any reason I should especially care about their personal lives, exemplary or less, as I watch them do artistic things in their respective sports.  And I think it’s worth remembering that we only know what we know about them because of a level of extreme media attention; I have no reason to believe that the same things, good or bad, aren’t true of many, many other lesser athletes.

I hope Woods continues to play a long as he wants to, whether he’s winning, or even competitive, or not.  And when he DOES play, I’ll be watching all I can, simply because I don’t expect, at my age, to see his like again. 
" usually played with the outward appearance of great dignity.  It is, nevertheless, a game of considerable passion, either of the explosive type, or that which burns inwardly and sears the soul."      Bobby Jones

John Blain

Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #35 on: April 21, 2024, 10:28:57 AM »
"There shouldn’t be any thick rough at Pinehurst assuming the setup is the same as 2014."

JohnVDB -

Yes, you are right about that. But do we know that Tiger is exempt from this year's US Open? I am not sure if his 2019 Masters win will get him an exemption.

Winners of the Masters the last five years (including current year) 

As I read it that would be the winners in 2020-21-22-23-24.

If it does not, has the USGA given him an invite?


Tiger Woods is not currently exempt into the US Open, but is exempt into Sectional Qualifying.
I'm guessing you meant to say Final Qualifying.


Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #36 on: April 21, 2024, 04:48:11 PM »
To paraphrase Marcel Proust:

"Never meet your heroes. You are likely to be disappointed."  :)

Bill Shamleffer

Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #37 on: April 21, 2024, 10:40:33 PM »

Tiger Woods is not currently exempt into the US Open, but is exempt into Sectional Qualifying.
I'm guessing you meant to say Final Qualifying.

I am becoming my Mom and calling things by names that changed years ago. :D

US Open used to be Local Qualifying, and then Sectional Qualifying.
At some point in time (probably longer than I care to know), they obviously changed the terminology from Sectional Qualifying to Final Qualifying.
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that's the way to bet.”  Damon Runyon


Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #38 on: April 22, 2024, 03:21:09 AM »
As I write this from the comfort of my glass house, I’m grateful that my life has been relatively free of not only the temptations that fame and money bring, but also of media and public scrutiny on my every move.

I have loved watching the genius of Tiger Woods, as I did with Palmer and Nicklaus. I felt the same way about watching Greg Maddux pitch, Michael Jordan hoop, Tom Brady play QB, and on and on.  I can’t think of any reason I should especially care about their personal lives, exemplary or less, as I watch them do artistic things in their respective sports.  And I think it’s worth remembering that we only know what we know about them because of a level of extreme media attention; I have no reason to believe that the same things, good or bad, aren’t true of many, many other lesser athletes.

I hope Woods continues to play a long as he wants to, whether he’s winning, or even competitive, or not.  And when he DOES play, I’ll be watching all I can, simply because I don’t expect, at my age, to see his like again.

In the Masters, yes. In other majors, only if he qualifies.

I get a laugh out of folks thinking they know what happened to Tiger after the cut.

« Last Edit: April 23, 2024, 03:41:09 AM by Sean_A »
New plays planned for 2025: Machrihanish Dunes, Dunaverty, Dumbarnie, Gleneagles Queens and Carradale

George Pazin

Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #39 on: April 22, 2024, 11:01:36 AM »
When did they change the Open Championship criteria? Didn't it used to be that past champions were exempt up until 65?


Nice post, AG, well said, as always.
Big drivers and hot balls are the product of golf course design that rewards the hit one far then hit one high strategy.  Shinny showed everyone how to take care of this whole technology dilemma. - Pat Brockwell, 6/24/04

cary lichtenstein

Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #40 on: April 23, 2024, 08:52:19 PM »
As I write this from the comfort of my glass house, I’m grateful that my life has been relatively free of not only the temptations that fame and money bring, but also of media and public scrutiny on my every move.

I have loved watching the genius of Tiger Woods, as I did with Palmer and Nicklaus. I felt the same way about watching Greg Maddux pitch, Michael Jordan hoop, Tom Brady play QB, and on and on.  I can’t think of any reason I should especially care about their personal lives, exemplary or less, as I watch them do artistic things in their respective sports.  And I think it’s worth remembering that we only know what we know about them because of a level of extreme media attention; I have no reason to believe that the same things, good or bad, aren’t true of many, many other lesser athletes.

I hope Woods continues to play a long as he wants to, whether he’s winning, or even competitive, or not.  And when he DOES play, I’ll be watching all I can, simply because I don’t expect, at my age, to see his like again.

In the Masters, yes. In other majors, only if he qualifies.

I get a laugh out of folks thinking they know what happened to Tiger after the cut.


I never thought I'd see another dominant player after Tiger but Scotty Scheffler just might be!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Live Jupiter, Fl, was  4 handicap, played top 100 US, top 75 World. Great memories, no longer play, 4 back surgeries. I don't miss a lot of things about golf, life is simpler with out it. I miss my 60 degree wedge shots, don't miss nasty weather, icing, back spasms. Last course I played was Augusta


Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #41 on: April 23, 2024, 10:31:19 PM »

I remember when Rory was crowned the most dominated play since Tiger.  Rory's ranking doesn't include the 12 weeks of suspension due to COVID - March 15, 2020 - June 14, 2020. Sourced here

e^(iπ) + 1 = 0


Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #42 on: April 24, 2024, 07:57:56 AM »
Scheffler is doing amazing things; no doubt about that. He’s dominating the Tour.

And if he can continue at #1 until around 2035, with another dozen or so majors sprinkled in, then he’ll be in Tiger’s neighborhood. 
" usually played with the outward appearance of great dignity.  It is, nevertheless, a game of considerable passion, either of the explosive type, or that which burns inwardly and sears the soul."      Bobby Jones

cary lichtenstein

Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #43 on: April 24, 2024, 06:25:48 PM »
Scheffler is doing something I have never seen before, he just hits the ball straight and the correct distance. No one else in my lifetime has ever done this.
Live Jupiter, Fl, was  4 handicap, played top 100 US, top 75 World. Great memories, no longer play, 4 back surgeries. I don't miss a lot of things about golf, life is simpler with out it. I miss my 60 degree wedge shots, don't miss nasty weather, icing, back spasms. Last course I played was Augusta

Kalen Braley

Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #44 on: April 24, 2024, 06:49:54 PM »

Scheffler is doing something I have never seen before, he just hits the ball straight and the correct distance. No one else in my lifetime has ever done this.

Interesting Cary, but sounds right.

Unlike most other top players he's not a prototypical bomb and gouger.  A few stats from

Driving Distance: 80th
Driving Accuracy: 8th
GIR: 1st
Scrambling: 5th
Total Putting: 98th


Jeff Schley

Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #45 on: April 25, 2024, 09:57:27 AM »

I remember when Rory was crowned the most dominated play since Tiger.  Rory's ranking doesn't include the 12 weeks of suspension due to COVID - March 15, 2020 - June 14, 2020. Sourced here

Forgot about Luke Donald. IIRC he was #1 and didn't even have a win when he was #1?  Am I remembering that right?  Although he had something ridiculous like 15 straight top tens or something, which caused him to be bumped ot #1.
"To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice your gifts."
- Steve Prefontaine


Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut?
« Reply #46 on: April 25, 2024, 11:26:36 AM »

I remember when Rory was crowned the most dominated play since Tiger.  Rory's ranking doesn't include the 12 weeks of suspension due to COVID - March 15, 2020 - June 14, 2020. Sourced here

Forgot about Luke Donald. IIRC he was #1 and didn't even have a win when he was #1?  Am I remembering that right?  Although he had something ridiculous like 15 straight top tens or something, which caused him to be bumped ot #1.

Hi Jeff,
   Luke won several tournaments as #1.

Luke beat L. Westwood in 2011 at the BMW PGA Championship at Wentworth (play-off) to get the #1 ranking. L. Westwood was the current #1 ranked player going into the BMW tournament. Subsequently, Luke won the Scottish Open in July 2011; his first win as #1 - heavy rain caused the tournament to end at 54 holes.
Later, Luke finished 2nd to Adam Scott at WGC Bridgestone, then won Children's Miracle Network Classic in Oct. 2011 for his 2nd win as #1.
In late 2011 & 2012, there was a battle between Luke & Rory for #1 ranking. Rory took then #1 title after wining the Honda Classic, but Luke won the Transitions Championship and reclaimed #1 ranking.
e^(iπ) + 1 = 0

Rob Marshall

Re: What happened to TIger's game after the cut? New
« Reply #47 on: May 02, 2024, 04:24:39 PM »
« Last Edit: May 02, 2024, 05:33:10 PM by Rob Marshall »
If life gives you limes, make margaritas.” Jimmy Buffett
