I'll add some more. Unfortunately, I only had my old phone camera for these.
Noice! Thanks for sharing. I wish we got a better look at Bernard Darwin's face though.
It's funny because the author actually teases him for this as well:

Even putting:

I often wondered how those photographs were post processed, if indeed they were. The chalk grid on the ground in some of the photos appears to be superimposed in some way. There does not appear to be shadows in many of the photos and where the feet meet the ground looks a bit strange.
I haven't encountered any that seem surreal to me, but who knows. The author does claim these are simply his photographs, but he does include an edited Varden photo for the cover:

More famous players:
JH Taylor

Sandy Herd:

Harold Hilton has the weirdest grip I've ever seen:

An obvious name to folks here, Herbert Fowler:

Finally, it's pretty easy to determine this was a second printing because of the inscription from 1904:

It's a very interesting book, not really useful these days, but I'm pretty astonished by all the famous names. The author must have been pretty connected in the golf world to get so many Open champions to pose for him.