With folks coming and going pretty regularly, but as one of the resident computer nerds, I thought I would just put together a post of how to upload photos/images to the discussion group for folks joining the forum, as it's a bit tricky. In the future, obviously feel free to link to this post.
Before we get into the details I should point out that the current website framework will not resize images in the browser, so you'll need to duplicate and resize them on your own, but only if you care whether they fit neatly. Do make sure to duplicate your image, as this process can be irreversible if done in certain ways. A good file size I'd aim for is 50KB-250KB depending on orientation.
The first thing your going to do, is open a new browser window from your post and do the following:
Step one: go to
imgur.com, and click "New post":

Step two: after your file is uploaded, you'll want to right-click the image, and then click "Open Image In New Tab" (or similar if on Windows):

Step 3: in the new tab, you'll find the unique imgur URL that links directly to the image itself:

You'll know it's correct because it will have a file extension at the end and the image will be the only thing on the screen. Here, the file extension is ".png" but other common file extensions are ".jpg" ".jpeg" ".gif" ".webp" ... the only extension I would worry about is ".heic" which might not be compatible everywhere.
Step 4: you want to copy this URL, and then go back to your Golf Club Atlas post, and click the little photo Mona Lisa button shown here:

Step 5: after that a window will open up where you should input/paste in the URL you just copied:

Click "OK" and you should be good to go with the image appearing in the text editor.
Here, you'll find out if your image is a sub-optimal size. Unfortunately, this is just how website's framework works, to fix it you'll need to duplicate and resize the original image on your own and start the process again.
Anyway, I hope that clarifies the process, as it's a bit more complicated than it needs to be.
One final note here is that
these photos are not stored on Golf Club Atlas. This is effectively by design of this site. This means that imgur could change it's mind about hosting them at any point in the future. It was once the case that files that haven't been viewed in some number of years eventually get deleted, but I think they've stopped doing that as the company is somehow very successful. However, do not assume that your files are saved on Golf Club Atlas, and keep your originals.
I'm going to add some keywords to make this post show near the top when people search the forums for "how to upload photos" in the forums. Please ignore the following: How to upload photos. How to upload photos on Golf Club Atlas. how to upload photos on golf club atlas. howtouploadphotos howtouploadphotosongolfclubatlas. How to upload images. How to upload images on Golf Club Atlas. how to upload images on golf club atlas. howtouploadimages howtouploadimagesongolfclubatlas