Jeff, I think Geoff recognized something that provided a cool option. How many modern designers are doing that?!?! But such is the term, “sympathetic restoration” required with today’s play and equipment. BTW, for those that don’t think Geoff is an astute, authoritative and competent designer and brilliant voice on architecture, well you should probably re-think that! Geoff oversaw the entire green rebuild and then bunker rebuild in 2020/2021. I was there with him, and he did so while enduring one of the most tragic times in his life-the long and painful death of his Mother from Covid-19.
In my opinion, Geoff deserves a victory lap or two around LACC. If it wasn’t for him, not only does the place not get restored, but the Open never happens there! That’s my opinion as I witnessed it all!
There are other areas at LACC which were expanded, or built upon, like the very back left pin on #8 which never existed, but it allowed—with complete original design intent—for the hole to challenge modern play. I think, and in my opinion, many don’t understand the concept of half-pars in strategic architecture. At least many didn’t profess it until Geoff, Gil, Jim, Russ Myers, and I’ll do the unthinkable here and include myself in the assist, revealed just how GREAT Captain Thomas’ architecture really is! (Those guys are the rightful credited heroes, but I did have input)
“Furthermore, the skill required on holes of shorter length should be as great as on long holes.”-Capt. Geo. C. Thomas Jr.Geoff building stacked tall fescue faces at LACC…