I was at LACC today. The place is PHENOMENAL. It's everything one could want.
It's pretty simple what happened -- the course got hit by drizzle for about 20 mins from 8:40-9. I was sitting at 6. The first few groups had big 5-6 yard thuddy bounces. Guys who landed it on the first 2 yards held the green. 4 yards on and it rocketed over. It was incredible. And then the drizzle happened, and for the rest of the day every shot was sticking or even spinning back. I think they set it up to get 156 guys around, set it up with some tough pins but some gettable ones, and had the firmness dialed in and then they got unlucky with the drizzle which was not forecast. Obviously you don't want to set it up expecting drizzle and then miss on not getting it.