When the no.5 course was created, it was done by blending some of Ross's holes from the original no. 3 course and some new Ellis Maple holes to complete the new course. Maples then build new holes to reconfigure the no. 3 course back to a full 18. You can reference Chris Buie's "
The Original Pinehurst No. 3"for more information.
After the cradle was built, Hanse rebuilt quite a bit of the no. 3 course, I can't say how many greens he touched, but I don't think there are more than 8 Ross green sites left on the course. I'd guess that there are now 4 Hanse greens and 6 Maples greens on the course today.
On the no. 5 course, there maybe only 6 Ross green sites left, With 1 Hanse green, and 11 Maples greens.