Hi Tim,
I am learning some new things, too. I am making the recommendation having watched the first two hours, and have another hour left to watch.
Just a couple of observations:
Since the documentary takes its time telling the story, you get a better feel for the amazing streak of championships (11 in 13 years). Each year has its own challenges, and yet there they were at the end of the season, winning all of the close game 7s. You've probably heard the statistic that he was 21-0 participating in elimination games in his college, Olympic and pro career.
Everything about him is so admirable. It's so humbling and so instructive. His incredible sense of dignity and purpose, and that keen sense of humor when the time is right. What a great teammate and leader.
I was just a few years old when my Dad first mentioned the Celtics and how their great defensive center was the key to their success. So I have sentimental reasons why Russell may seem so important to me. Things your Dad tells you when you're young take on great meaning as you get old. It hit me like a ton of bricks when Russell passed away. It's hard to explain why.
Sorry for detouring away from the golf documentary.