In all these things, I feel a joylessness being drained from all aspects of the competition, here in particular, the last remaining mysteries of not knowing beyond a few years. Even if the complete industrial give-over to 20 year plans is corporate best practice, it seems they've elevated it beyond its actual worth or importance... and somewhere, some social media consulting coordinator is citing boards such as this to justify the exact opposite conclusion.
In similar ways, all the professional sports have adopted expedience and proffer much as the delivery narratives will cause clicks, hits, and views, it hardly matters who wins or performs or suffers defeat or how compromised they have to make it to fit it in to a delivery long as the games go on and advertisers/sponsors think they get their money's worth. They had us talking out LACC five years ago, never mind that its actually here, now, this year...why don't they try and get you speculating on where it might be in seven, twelve, twenty years. It's like they know the competition isn't enough, it's the peripheral bullshit that we're really interested in, or its being represented to the decision makers that way.