I found an article some years back that listed CCTH as an Emmet design. I went and played the club and spoke with several people there. The historian thinks it is a combined Diddel and Bendelow design. The nines were out in at different times. Unfortunately they have no records from the time Emmet would have been there. I messaged you about it at the time, but I do not think it went through. I never was able to find anything more about it, an interesting sidebar is the Fort Harrison nine hole course that dates to the same time period. If you look at the old aerials and go to the course it looks like it was designed by somebody with a pedigree. Certainly more so than CCTH. I am anxious to hear what additional information you have. Terre Haute has some sneaky good golf for that part of Indiana. My buddy Kevin Robinson lived there until last year and of course posts on this site. He is well aware of all this as well.