I am more than a bit puzzled about why this Board remains so far out of date regarding technology. Posting photos should not be such a challenge.
I must start collating these posts. Has there been a week this year when someone hasn't made the same observation?
Another one. Why does this DG use the only SOFTWARE Ive ever experienced that arbitrarily resizes to unreable when you attempt an edit or add a quotation?
A few years ago we were told that donations would fund original articles. What happened to that?
Earlier this year changes were promised???
Without photos the board is dull and the level and quantity of discussion about architecture has fallen off the proverbial cliff. Can anyone tell me where all the lost knowledgeable posters now lurk? I miss their 'contributions'?
Sorry to dump on your well meaning thread but unless steps are taken the future for GCA is behind it, in the archives (and some of them are 'disappearing').