While we are on the subject of missing Spokane golf courses, nearly 30 years ago my son and I stopped at a course west of Spokane to play a round of golf. Later in life, I put together a list of courses I had played, and I couldn't find this course anywhere using Google maps. So, I figured it had gone NLE. Tonight I thought I would look at Google maps to try to come up with a description of where I thought it was to ask about it. Low and behold, I opened Google maps in satellite view (unusual for me), panned west of Spokane along I-90, and there it was. It has the very original name of Fairways Golf Course.

I doubt that was the name it had when I played it. I wonder if it went under and lay dormant for some time. It seems they may have a difficult time making a go of it.
However, this course may not be the one I remember. Looking at the sattelite view it appears that 12 and 13 are the primary holes I remember. But a course description doesn't seem to match my memory. The descriptions says marshes form the water hazards. Whereas, the most memorable aspect of the course I remember would be the irrigation pond that was set at a higher elevation with a par 3 green having a forced water carry. Hole 13? What made it so memorable was that on the preceeding hole I hit one towards the pond, and my mood deflated until I saw the ball land and run down the slope away from the pond back towards the fairway. Silly me. I was expecting to see the ball run down a slope into the pond.