I've realized that LACC has been playing "out of turn", and since it's 1up it will play first on the 6th hole...
LACCThe tee shot on the 330 yard par-4 6th is a thrilling one. The fairway in front of you has humps and rolls galore and it's not clear as to where you should be aiming or even what club you should be hitting. Smart players will have peeked to their left while playing the 5th to see where the pin is on the 6th.
The drivable hole might tempt a long hitter to hit over a mound and shorter tree on the right to attempt to catch a slope and drive the green. As Ran notes in his profile, if the pin is on the front portion the better play might be to hit a driver long
left of the green to chip backwards to the tiny target. A fantastically fun short par-4 that you would want to play again and again.
RIVIERAThe par-3 6th hole at Riviera is a well documented and famous hole...for good reason. The hole is just a mid-iron for most players, but the green is one of the most severe and fun I have ever seen. There is the famous bunker in the middle of the green, but the putting surface features huge slopes long left, long right, right, and short of the bunker that allow for very creative shots. A world-class par-3.
The PGA Tour put together this highlight reel of all of the best shots on and around Riv's 6th hole which illustrate just how severe the green slopes are!:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUuda7UXnOI Both are great golf holes, but as I mention above I think the 6th at Riviera takes the edge. It's just a world class par-3 and one that is so unique and fun. The 6th at LACC is a very strong hole and perhaps it reveals itself with more plays, but Riviera's 6th is such a strong hole I don't know how this one is halved.