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V. Kmetz

On/Off T: Ryder Cup, like most broadcast sporting...
« on: October 13, 2023, 02:23:12 PM » that its necessary(?) exploitation is all bent to sell confrontation/conflict aspects of a competition, not the grace, the wonder of seeing great shots, clutch shots, which is nearly 180 from how they/it were inaugurated. 

The whole enterprise has been perverted to maximize the revenues that are collected by all media, the issuing organizations, vendors, sponsors, partners to the business...they not you, have concluded what the fire of the competition shall be ... that conflict, discord, intensity sells, and you have what you have. When there wasn't that organizing principle - commercial exploitation - these ugly oxygen-stealing controversies didn't exist.  This winner/loser nonsense (what does anybody win or lose) for a conjured slate of competitions meant next to nothing 100 years ago, and means perhaps even less today when 80% of the competitors live next to one another in Palm Beach.

Do you think any spectators booed/jeered the competitors' missed shots/lost holes when these things were in the earliest forms?  Now fans of all stripes are set against their own meaningful interests - to see a competitive exhibition of the greatest golfers in the world up close.
"The tee shot must first be hit straight and long between a vast bunker on the left which whispers 'slice' in the player's ear, and a wilderness on the right which induces a hurried hook." -
