Clearly I've struck a nerve here, which is great. Thanks everyone for your input!
But I (George Carlin voice) have a few problems with some things that people are saying or at least suggesting.
Mark and Tom, I'm not sure where this idea is coming from that the criticisms that I'm raising have anything to do with anyone's game. My criticisms of 17 were about a lack of editing and I argued to A.G. that all of the things that he mentions as virtues about that hole would be retained if the green were just the right ~1/3. I would make a similar criticism of the 15th.
Perhaps the raters are low handicap scolds, but I don't know why that would make them more likely to call out the over-the-top features of TR than a course like Pinehurst no.2, which I think is much harder for low handicappers. Actually, another one of my issues with TR is that it's relatively much harder for high handicappers than low handicappers. If you can put your shots within 20 yards of where you're aiming, it isn't hard at all. I play probably half of my rounds with guys who struggle to break 100 and they had a horrible time with it (personal experience and stories).
But that's not what motivated the main points in the thread. My issue with TR is that I think that there are several bad holes and I think this because there's just too much going on on these holes. And from a ratings perspective (the point of the thread), I'm not sure what to make of this. It's not at all a problem with the wildness per se; I love the 11th hole. But many holes could be edited down to one wild idea rather than 4 or 5. And I hold it against the course that it doesn't do this.
If you want to read more about what I think about Tobacco Road generally, I've written about it in great detail on my
Sean, I think that we agree that wide and shallow greens are overused at TR. My issue with 6 is that the shallow part on the right side extends too far out. Most can't reliably hit that right part of the green because it's probably 35 ft. deep. But if the pin is all the way on the right, to play safe, you have to aim 80 ft. left of the hole. That's a bit silly for a hole that's 120 yards. My suggestion here would be to eliminate the right 1/3 of the green. You'd still have a shallow area at the right side, but you could play safe 30 ft. away from it to the left rather than 80 ft.
You make an interesting point about mundane land and the number of holes. I've never played Cullen, but I'd agree that I'd rather see 14 pretty good holes than 9 pretty good ones and 9 mediocre ones because you had to have some holes run over both good and mundane land. Still, that's a harder issue for me than TR, where this kind of trade-off isn't even necessary. Just some editing.