Ally - and that is a very good rejoinder to Ulrich's very good counter-argument. I'd just suggest that your posts (like many others in this thread) seem to think evaluation is an 'absolute' rather than 'relative' term / process / judgement, as if we can play a course (once or several times) and evaluate it 'purely', as a one-off, *on its own merits*, and without reference (consciously or not) to any or all the other courses we've played.
I just don't think it works that way. The 'relative value' of a course is what we're actually evaluating (whether we realize and intend it or not), and that's why I likely wouldn't be very good at it, ie because I only have 100 courses and only 1 of the Top 10 to 'compare' it to
instead of 1000 courses and all 10 of the Top 10
It isn't seeing a course 'once' that's the problem, it's not seeing enough *other* courses, even once, that's the problem.