Berhard Langer is 64 and manages to make the cut in a major there. Build another Augusta.
I've read all the common opinions and conventional views on what makes that possible for him, and for Couples before him and for JN at 58 finishing 5th or 6th -- you know, familiarity with where not to miss it and the importance of 2nd shot positioning/angles over distance and the need to putt those greens smartly, or the idiot one about a supposedly 'weaker field' etc.
But none of those seem to me to get to the true heart of the course/design, or to the reasons the 'old guys' can do so well there.
Over the years it's played slow and wet and long and played fast and dry and short, and it's certainly been lengthened over the last two decades and Tiger-proofed; and yet year after year Langer, for that week on that specific golf course, is one of the best 50 or so golfers in the world.
Someone should figure that out in a real way, and then copy it.