Well, it's just an idea. Golf, because of its staunch traditionalism tends to be slower to change than perhaps society at large.
I doubt the pick, rake, and clean bunker idea will be implemented everywhere across the board, but for everyday golf, it may be the easiest, cheapest solution to giving the desired good lie in the bunker. And, it would sure eliminate complaining about it, if the golfer has the op to create it himself. And, if it reduces bunker raking by the maintenance crew to once per week or less to soften the sand and prevent weeds, that may be a big financial help to many courses.
A lot of us complain about how golf construction and maintenance keeps getting more complicated and expensive in response to rising maintenance standards. This is potentially one easier solution. It's sort of like the old joke about getting a truck unstuck from under the bridge. All sorts of proposals involving expensive and difficult things, until a small child suggests just letting the air out of the tires to lower the truck.