Golf does not have a problem that's solvable by the bromides offered here and elsewhere for years. Once we conquer envy and the necessary biases it requires for people so captured by it to be able to function from day-to-day, we will then have the solution for golf and a host of other sources of discontent. Of course, as probably the most damaging of the seven deadly sins and the bedrock for much of a political and economic philosophy for centuries, it will never be conquered.
So, David Thomas, I've referred Thomas Malthus from nearby England to you previously on your often-preached depletion of finite resources sermon. Malthus theorized that the rapid population growth of his time would shortly result in hunger, death, war, and disease all sorts of calamities. This was at a time when the world population was around 800 million, back in the late 1790s. I know that there are food distribution issues throughout the world, but it has NOTHING to do with land being taken up by golf courses of the Trump variety or the most modest mom-and-pop operations, many which have a hard time staying afloat. That much of the developed world suffers from obesity and diabetes and a large amount of food is wasted daily might give you pause to consider other points of view.
Ditto for the song about peak oil, water, and a variety of other resources. 15 years ago a former participant in this DG sent me a paper from one of his colleagues declaring that fossil fuel supplies had already turned down the curve and that the descent was steep.
As it would have it, I had someone close to me who was working for the energy practice of a major worlwide consultancy- investment bank and he sent me the fact sheet of what their clients were working from- 200+ years supply at then consumption rates based on current extraction technologies and political climate, another 100 years with likely improvements, and an additional 100 years (400 years total, or thereabouts) with possible/promising changes in technology, consumption, and government disposition. That the environmental lobby is now pushing for sequestering fossil fuel supplies in the ground might, again, point to turning the page in your hymn group.
We want to improve the world? Find a new hymn book! Fear and doom only empowers the ruling classes. Start making something- a manufactured product, and app that enhances productivity and makes our lives easier, a social service like the very noble Mike Sweeney has been directing for years which greatly improves the lives of many kids and young adults who through no fault of their own find themselves in an unenviable position.
We want to improve golf? Volunteer with the First Tee, your state golf association, the USGA. Even if you can't "spot" the balls coming off a tee (reference the disappointing thread on the subject), there are many things which can be accomplished for the betterment of the game AND society. End of sermon.