Partly in humour, partly in seriousness ..... private member golf clubs have committees and folk for whatever reason put themselves forward for election to such committees.
There can be quite a bit of behind the scenes lobbying going on ... "vote for Tom he's a good chap, don't vote for Dick or Harriet" etc etc. Sometimes a candidate might stand on a particular platform, although this can also often be behind the scenes ... "I want green not white napkins in the restaurant".
However, are club members ever given the opportunity to formally ask questions of the candidates prior to casting their votes? I'm not aware of such although some private member clubs might allow it.
If your club gave members the opportunity to formally ask questions of the candidates what questions would you ask them?
I reckon I might be inclined, and recall from my above opening words that this is partly in humour, partly in seriousness, to ask a multiple choice question namely,
"Mr/Mrs/Miss X, can you please tell me if a Vardon Grip is a) a type of suitcase, b) a type of secret society handshake, c) the connection bracket that holds a flag to a flagpole, or d) something else and if so please describe?"
What would your question be? 