Way OT, but so necessary to talk about in our society in general.
The one part I learned over the past years is that every one of us has demons but is mostly too afraid to free ourselves and be honest and share our experiences. So I have the most significant respect for Ian for stepping up and out of the shadow, sharing his experience, his path, and I am glad to hear that you are doing so much better, Ian!
We all have shadows, things that trigger us because of our past. Ian described in his article a worksheet from Byron Katie, which puts you straight back into the now and makes you realize that the situation that triggered you now has mostly nothing to do with your past. The mind can be a bitch!
Allowing to express oneself fully, from negative feelings like anger, fear, shame, pain, guilt to the most positives joy, laughter, passion, and love, is another fragment of our society that is suppressing ourselves from childhood and feeds the demons for a lifetime. It bottles one up, not being able to breathe, not expressing oneself, even to the loved ones. In that, there is only loneliness. Gabor Mate is talking very intensively, shocking but honest, in his recent movie "The Wisdom of Trauma."
Talking helps, but only when you find people who genuinely take their time, only listen, and don't give you tips on handling things. After that, you will have to find your own way. Having true and honest friends who can hold your space helps a lot, especially when walking in nature (preferably golf courses

. Having authentic and genuine friends who show up, are truly present (referring to Tommy here), care, hug you (which is so harsh about Covid), and look you deep into your eyes because they care is the best medicine. Any type of movement is better than sitting still...