Hole 16 – Par 4, 349 yards.
The new sixteenth hole plays in the reverse direction up the old sixth hole corridor. The old sixth hole was a short, downhill 323 yard par 4. The driveable green was protected by water on the right and out of bounds long and left. The green was buttressed by a Pete Dye inspired railroad tie retaining wall. The layup off the tee was complicated by three fairway bunkers down the left and water right.
The old sixth hole from the tee (photo credit:
Here is what that same corridor looks like now from near the new seventeenth tee.
The new sixteenth hole plays from behind the old sixth green site near the old seventh tee uphill to a green site on the old sixth tee. Naturally, the hole has similar, although reversed, features to the old hole.
The tee shot from the back tee. The new seventeenth green is seen on the left.
This photo shows the proximity of the seventeenth green (left) to the sixteenth tee.
Another view from the sixteenth tee.
The tee shot asks more of a distance control question than directional control due to the severe diagonal angle. To illustrate this point, the fairway is nearly 70 yards wide at 250 yards from the back tee. However, the carry over the water on the left can be as long as 230 yards. Additionally, both the right fairway bunker complex and the center fairway bunker are about 260 yards from the tee. Interestingly, the corridor widens considerably after a 270 yard carry over the penalty area on a direct line to the green. For example, at 290 yards, the hole is about 90 yards wide (!). Consequently, although it does not appear this way from the tee, the safest play might be the most aggressive play. However, there is a tree guarding the right side of the green at about 310 yards from the tee. This can obstruct the short pitch from the right side of the green after an aggressive tee shot. Like the old hole, the new hole is also driveable for some players. The front of the green is 306 yards from the tee.
From the forward tee, the diagonal forced carry is eliminated. The hole is a much friendlier appearing, straighter, uphill par 4. The old sixth green site and railroad ties can be seen in the foreground.
This is what the approach to the green looks like from just short of the center fairway bunker. It is an uphill pitch to a visually pleasing green site framed by the native areas. The fairway has some nice movement as well.
The gently sloping contours of the green fit nicely into the land. Overall, an attractive green complex.
Next, a look at the long one-shot seventeenth hole with a glimpse of the Birdwood Mansion.