Didn't know what PGL was so googled it.
Since watching medal play golf is boring, a match play league would be welcome to me.
In fact, I long ago suggested that pro golf should do more match play teams, and less individual medal play.
My suggestion was to have cities have match play teams much like cities have NBA, NFL, or Major League teams. The teams would play Ryder cup style matches against each other trying to earn a spot in the playoffs.
Some advantages:
Match play is more interesting to spectators with a significant result every hole, as opposed to a lesser significant result every hole medal play.
Intercity rivalries. In my neck of the woods, we lost the Trailblazers/Sonic rivalry several years ago. Now the best we have is Timbers/Sounders.
More courses could be marque venues, thereby generating more interest in playing them by retail golfers.
A short course like North Berwick would be more interesting to play match play than medal play according to TD.
How about San Diego/Los Angeles rivalries, Dallas/Houston, Miami/Tampa, San Francisco/Oakland, etc.