This thread is telling, for all the buried ledes.
I know of a course but don't want ...
I cannot mention names, nor time zones, nor cardinal directions, but ...
It's like saying I was in the bedroom with they/he/she, but I'm not going to say if we got busy.
I recall when Jon Cavalier posted photos on a thread from Myopia Hunt Club. Word on the blockchain was, they had asked the GCA brass to take down an earlier review of the course. Cavalier's mighty thread was met with aghast astonishment and a bit of vitriol. GCA survived.
I find statements like This isn't even a contest to be better constructed as Here's a candidate: and let the readership chime in with their own experiences and knowledge.
I've been proximate to a few of the aforementioned layouts, read up on others, and engaged in conversation on still more of them. It is an interesting topic for a thread, and I look forward to its development. I have no new candidates to offer in this search.