What do ocean views, year round golf and the climate have to do with the quality of design?
Nothing. The OP didn't reference quality of design, just which one was
better than another. And what I'm pointing out is that if you had a teleportation machine and a free pass anywhere, and you choose one course over another, it is arguably better, all things considered... or at the very least- better for you.
I'm used to thinking about things from an economics perspective- consumer and personal choice.
A thought experiment to create the answer that you're looking for would be something like:
- Every golf course in the world is copy and pasted into Iowa. The copy and past would include everything within the borders of the course, including soil type, tree types, sand type, grasses, and internal water hazards.
- It would not include anything beyond the border of the course- i.e. no ocean for Bandon, Pebble, no long views at Sand Hills, no town at St Andrews, no clubhouses.
- The social aspects of the clubs and courses will be gone.
- You are going to be entered into a raffle to win a membership to a course and you have to force rank your preferences.
In this situation, it normalizes climate, views, and location/ logistics. But you still wouldn't be picking solely on architecture.
What if you normalized everything by saying that they all had to be bent grass on heavy soil, every tree had to be native to Iowa, and every course would be maintained going forward with the same maintenance budget. That would probably change your ranking and it would be interesting to go through the thought process for that.
A cool thread here might be to show some examples of this in photoshop. Compare Lawsonia to Pebble Beach for instance with the exact same setting.