Anyone that's short enough for me to birdie?!
Perhaps with a punch bowl green to funnel tee shots to the hole?
Sorry, OT. But your post did make me think of all those wealth of dispersion shot patterns for all levels of golfers. For most, even the low handicap player, there is a bit of an accuracy drop at 180 yards and up.
Takeaway - a medium length par 3, IMHO, should not exceed 170 yards from the middle tees at least, which is probably why 150-160-170 yard blue tee par 3's are used so much.
So, from blue tees, we should probably have one shorty, i.e. 130 yards or so/less, and one 170 or less.
To answer the question posed of me earlier, yes, I doubt average players like par 3 holes over 200 yards, to this day. They probably get a bit uncomfortable at 180, and maybe that should be the longest from the blue tees, as per above. Maybe 190 if downhill, easy target, etc. So perhaps a nice mix for average players would be wind and elevated adjusted par 3 holes of 130, 150, 170, and 190?