Only in Darwin's America...
More people vaccinated = less CoVid..less deaths, less transmissions, less hospitalizations, less stress on health care, less everything bad that comes from CoVid...less masks, distancing, more normalcy... dispute those figures, that truth...
These same people were taking victory laps in April and May of 20... and then the summer came...they demanded their holiday gatherings...more surge...and at the same time all along wondering why we can't get back to normal.... in sardonic response to the petulant crowd, I say JRB should ExOrder...
"Anybody over 12 yrs of age not in the pipeline by June 15, no more Vaccines after that...just reserves for the younger kids not cleared yet and a booster reserve for those already vaxxed... we'll give the rest away to a country that needs and wants them." We'll see who's full of it then.
Given the last 24 years (and particularly the last 240 weeks) of right wing bs, I'm fine with 25% of that America playing with a gun that can no longer kill me and the other 75%..Give me liberty or give me death? How about you take both, numbnuts?