I know where your coming from Tommy and go along with you. It’s part of the golf and visuals discussion again, especially TV and photo and now drone videos, and it’s not just water either.
Back in yee olde days, times gone bye, black and white was the only pictorial available. As a consequence there was little visual contrast on screen or in the press between blue water, yellow sand, trees and brush, short grass, long grass, hardpan etc etc.
This is now no more. We have colour TV, colour photos and now drones taking coloured footage and photos. And all sorts of clever computer tricks are available to enhance the quality and colour and make the footage and photos more appealing to the human eye.
The race for dramatic photogenic contrasts on courses has thus increased as has as a consequence the manicuring of golf courses as manicured courses with sharpe contracts between blue water, yellow sand, flowers, dark green tree leaves and several different lengths of heavily irrigated grass watered from big blue on-course ponds looks so much better on TV and in photos and drone videos.
Rant over, we’ll sort of over.
