Bethpage Rankings:
1. Red
2. Black
3. Green/Yellow
4. Back putting green
5. Front putting green
6. Putting green closest to Yellow
7. Driving over to play Eisenhower
8. The Driving Range
9. Blue
As someone who logged hundreds of rounds at Bethpage (from age 12 to 28), I could not agree with this more. The Blue is the worst, by a wide margin. I can pick out a handful of holes on the blue that I enjoy playing, but between playing the same par 3 on repeat and the atrociously jammed in 9th and 18th, I was always disappointed when we ended up on the Blue. When I am back visiting friends and family, I will gladly play any of the other 4, but not Blue.
If I had to choose a Bethpage course to play every day, it would be a close call between Red and Green for me. The Red is generally superior, but I love the Green. I'm a life-long fan of the Black, but would not want to play it every day.
Elsewhere, I would gladly play Rustic Canyon or Wild Horse daily.
Mid Pines, Pine Needles, and Southern Pines as well. Planning to literally do so, in the not too distant future.