My “home” (I live in SoCal) nine in Mt. Lebanon PA started as a private in 1907, founded by elite chums, including two Mellons. It was called Castle Shannon Golf Club. Mt. Lebanon purchased it in 1947. Changes have been made, but I would have to look up the details. “Feels” mostly intact to this layperson. A muni that is not “just” a golf course. Community property for tobogganists, kite fliers, x-c skiers (including my mother, who, raised blocks away, returned into her 80s even after moving across town), smokers, lovers, dog walkers. I am an absentee member of the senior men’s club. My grandfather patrolled there as an air warden (I might have the title wrong) during WWII. Born in 1960, I was “released to the four winds” unsupervised in the morning and could reach the golf course or any number of places by nightfall (or later), incl. downtown Pittsburgh by trolley. Idyllic in retrospect, but a bubble of white suburbia.