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Joe Lynch

Re: OFFICIAL SIGNUP - 2021 Midwest Mashie - Harvester GC
« Reply #75 on: March 18, 2021, 01:20:19 PM »
I'd like to sign up for this year's Midwest Mashie.   

Joe Lynch (MN)


Re: OFFICIAL SIGNUP - 2021 Midwest Mashie - Harvester GC
« Reply #76 on: March 18, 2021, 01:57:05 PM »
I am dropping out (#30). One too many long car trips for me.


Re: OFFICIAL SIGNUP - 2021 Midwest Mashie - Harvester GC Updated 4/22/21
« Reply #77 on: April 22, 2021, 06:35:24 PM »
Hello GCA
Doing a quick update bump of this thread to the top.
We are still on and there has been movement up from the waitlist.
Please let me know if any of you have any updates or need to dropout.

- V
« Last Edit: April 22, 2021, 06:37:25 PM by V_Halyard »
"It's a tiny little ball that doesn't even move... how hard could it be?"  I will walk and carry 'til I can't... or look (really) stupid.

Ken Fry

Sadly for me, another Mashie and another WD.

There are some good men on the wait list.  I'm making room for one of them.

Thanks Vaughn and everyone for organizing.  Hoping 2022 brings another opportunity.


Steve Burrows

With regrets, I too am going to have to withdraw from this year's Mashie. There are just too many other obligations popping up at that time of year and something had to give. Please move the next man up from the wait list.

Have a great time, guys! admit my mistakes most frankly, or to say simply what I believe to be necessary for the defense of what I have written, without introducing the explanation of any new matter so as to avoid engaging myself in endless discussion from one topic to another.     
               -Rene Descartes

Carl Rogers

Will the Mashie organizers require vaccination documentation for partication?

 (I hope so)
I decline to accept the end of man. ... William Faulkner

Jason Thompson

I'm a bit late to the party but please add me to the waitlist.

George Myers

Waitlist moving fast.
A family trip has come up for the same time period, so I'll have to withdraw.
Please remove me from the list.

One day, I'll make a Midwest Mashie!

Buck Wolter

Coincidentally my alma mater is Iowa State University in nearby Ames (who's golf team calls Harvester home). Iowa State football is coming off the greatest season in their history and is playing UNLV that weekend in Las Vegas -- I must be there. Bill Seitz gets one spot closer. Go west!

Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience -- CS Lewis


Coincidentally my alma mater is Iowa State University in nearby Ames (who's golf team calls Harvester home). Iowa State football is coming off the greatest season in their history and is playing UNLV that weekend in Las Vegas -- I must be there. Bill Seitz gets one spot closer. Go west!
Our hosts are big ISU Cyclone supporters.
"It's a tiny little ball that doesn't even move... how hard could it be?"  I will walk and carry 'til I can't... or look (really) stupid.

Buck Wolter

Coincidentally my alma mater is Iowa State University in nearby Ames (who's golf team calls Harvester home). Iowa State football is coming off the greatest season in their history and is playing UNLV that weekend in Las Vegas -- I must be there. Bill Seitz gets one spot closer. Go west!
Our hosts are big ISU Cyclone supporters.

Dickson is the man -- Go State!
Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience -- CS Lewis


Tyler Kearns moves up off of the Waitlist.
Watch for Updates


"It's a tiny little ball that doesn't even move... how hard could it be?"  I will walk and carry 'til I can't... or look (really) stupid.

Dan Gallaway

Regretfully, Dan Gallaway has to back out of The Mashie for 2021.  Thankful that I’ll be too busy with kids activities.

David Royer

I have to cancel due to family commitment.   Enjoy the event. 


Update: More movement off of the waitlist. See top of thread for details.
"It's a tiny little ball that doesn't even move... how hard could it be?"  I will walk and carry 'til I can't... or look (really) stupid.

Carl Rogers

Is there a vaccination policy for this event?
I decline to accept the end of man. ... William Faulkner

Jason Thurman

I recommend attendees get vaccinated. I'm sure we'll shoot a pretty solid 78 when it comes to adhering to local ordinances, as usual.

Do note that we will be in Iowa, aka Heaven aka North Texas.
"There will always be haters. That’s just the way it is. Hating dudes marry hating women and have hating ass kids." - Evan Turner

Some of y'all have never been called out in bold green font and it really shows.


Is there a vaccination policy for this event?
We are volunteers arranging an event as a courtesy to fellow members of GCA. We cancelled the event last year at  the height of the pandemic and will monitor the situation.
That said, we will adhere to state and federal policy and CDC Guidelines and are of the opinion that attendees should take advantage of any opportunity to be fully vaccinated before arrival.
We however are not in a position to mandate nor monitor attendee vaccinations.
Know that Iowa is lax in comparison to other states. I am fully vaccinated and navigate the state accordingly.

There is no vaccination policy for this event another than the CDC guidelines. Attendance is voluntary.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2021, 11:01:44 PM by V_Halyard »
"It's a tiny little ball that doesn't even move... how hard could it be?"  I will walk and carry 'til I can't... or look (really) stupid.

Carl Rogers

Is there a vaccination policy for this event?
My second shot was March 24.  I request all participants state their vaccination status.
I decline to accept the end of man. ... William Faulkner


Is there a vaccination policy for this event?
My second shot was March 24.  I request all participants state their vaccination status.
Carl, that is not happening. We are not mandating attendees declare their vaccination status on an open source public forum.
We will discuss this further in PM.
Please make no more requests on this thread.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2021, 11:13:36 PM by V_Halyard »
"It's a tiny little ball that doesn't even move... how hard could it be?"  I will walk and carry 'til I can't... or look (really) stupid.

Bill Seitz

I recommend attendees get vaccinated.

I recommend those not attending also get vaccinated, because, ya know, you should get vaccinated.


Cirba and Bacsanyi move up off of the waitlist.
"It's a tiny little ball that doesn't even move... how hard could it be?"  I will walk and carry 'til I can't... or look (really) stupid.

Eric Strulowitz

Is there a vaccination policy for this event?
My second shot was March 24.  I request all participants state their vaccination status.

At first, I thought this was some attempt at dry humor. are requesting participants to state their vaccination status, who the hell are you?   What if they have not been vaccinated yet or choose not to?  Does that mean they will be excluded, or ostracized, or ridiculed?  Will they have to wear some type of emblem?  Will they have to add 5 strokes to their score as a punishment?  Being the 20 hcp I am, that would sure be cruel!  What about folks that have had the virus, and have antibodies?  You may not realize this, but the body does a pretty good job of protecting itself going forward once it has been exposed to a pathogen.  This is Bio 101 my friend!  What about people that have pre-existing conditions and they have been advised not to take the shot, where do they stand?  While we are at it, why don't we request that every participant submit a complete health history?  How about submitting every participant to a genital inspection, STDs are very worrisone, who would want one of those?

I was  at a golf outing last week at a bucket list course.  The course finally opened up to guests, and we had a blast.  No one wore a mask, none of the staff wore a mask, and not once did anyone bring up the virus.  Not once, we were too busy enjoying the day and the comraderie.  Saw a few friends I have not seen in years, the last thing we cared about was the virus.   I am running a golf outing on August 1 at a top local venue, we filled up 32 spots in three days and have a waiting list.  No one asked about the virus, and no one cares about vaccination status.  It is none of my business what decisions people make in their lives and I am sure not going to use a  golf outing as a platform  to try and convince anyone of anything.  This is a free country, there is a segment of self appointed Corona Nazi's that seem to have forgotten that.  If you are afraid or feel compelled to  judge others who make personal medical decisions that are none of anyone's business, just stay home.  Be misireable and anxious, make others misireable, just stay the hell home.   It is really that simple.   I want to add, I am not for the vaccine, I am not against it.  I am against neurotic busy bodies that judge others for medical decisions they make.  Taking the vaccine might be the most intelligent decision people make, and good for them, or it might be the worst decision people make, and my prayers go to them if this is the case.  Bottom line is you can act on faith, believe everything you are told, and that is perfectly ok. can question, be cynical, and distrust what others say, that is perfectly ok too. God gave us all a brain, none of us has the right to tell others how to use it.  Interesting, the way this pandemic has created a lot of blow hard know it alls who think they have been annointed to judge others.   Really no right or wrong, only time will tell us who is right and who was wrong. 

Anyway, all the best to you and actually all of you.  Hope you have a great golf outing at this wonderful course.  God bless all here!
« Last Edit: June 16, 2021, 05:28:43 PM by Eric Strulowitz »

Carl Rogers

Clearly my definition of common sense and responsibility is at extreme variance with others.

The one reality I know is 600,000 dead.

Irrelevant straw man, junk science and anecdotes do not impress.

Please remove me from the event.
I decline to accept the end of man. ... William Faulkner

John Kavanaugh

Carl. Give me a call if you are ever in Orlando. Vac 2/14/21. Last 4 SS#4716. Eyes blue.
