Guess there's no time like the present to post.
First, thanks for the kind words.
Second, Jeff, I have all of the plans; including the as-built drainage plans, the original routing (pre 1933) and the final construction plan.
Candidly, as Ran will attest, I reigned some of the conclusions Daniel made as Tillinghast's actual on the ground involvement is unknown. The course pre his 1936 visit (ironically enough, right after Bendelow passed away), is substantially similar, if not exactly similar to what is there in the 1939 aerial.
What we do know, is that a lot of changes occurred during the 40s, 50s and 60s that are generally undocumented in the club's historical records. Surprisingly and confusingly, there is next to no discussion of Bendelow's work during his relationship with Medinah. Not surprising, there is a lot of talk about the ski jump and injuries.
Either way, I though the info was interesting and Daniel, who is a great writer, fellow Medinah fan and architecture aficionado, asked if he could share this interesting info with this group - who would also hopefully find it interesting.
And, with the OCM and Presidents Cup stuff, the timing worked.
Hope you all enjoy - but don't for a second think anyone is suggesting that Medinah #3 is a long lost Tillinghast. What he did and when, if anything, will always be a mystery unless someone can find that damn exhibit to his letter. To date, the case is cold.
Hope everyone is well and staying healthy. Thanks for assisting Ran.