I for one was excited to hear that there may be some work done at Sandpiper, so I made a routing in powerpoint just for fun. Here it is... I think the routing is fairly obvious, same 1st, 9th, 10th holes with some updates on the ground, though I like #1 as is quite a bit. That damn 13th tee was tempting me to put a green there, but I think it's just too small an area and I doubt it would work. Perhaps a gazebo and dedicated wedding area?

This is very interesting. I quite like your new 16th hole, not surprisingly per my diatribe about current 14 earlier in the thread. I haven't taken the time to play around with a routing and maybe it's inevitable that you have to change a lot if you want to get rid of the 14th but in general my issues with Sandpiper haven't been much about the routing. There are several holes that I feel sit quite nicely in spots, even beyond the usual suspects (1, 2, 7, 16, 17), but they aren't necessarily great or even good holes because they aren't especially well designed. Then there are a lot of holes that are whatever in terms of where they sit (8 or 9 or 4) but there's nothing specifically holding them back from being good holes, either, if a talented designer has the opportunity.
Were you invested in blowing (much of) the whole thing up or was that inevitable based on 1-2 changes that you particularly wanted to make?
Hey Matthew - not necessarily invested in blowing it up (which, btw of the 19 existing greens 12 are nearly in the same spot) but I thought there were so many holes that didn't take advantage of what is there that it seemed like more was more.
We had the same thought regarding 14, and in making that part of the change it made sense to turn 13 around too and provide more of a crescendo prior to the finish.
I fear the current second is not workable into a good hole with the trees or lack thereof (imagine the complaints if the hole stayed and the trees did not). It's also too penal for my liking. The new 2nd in mine is a short par 4 that would be more fun and have a sightline up the current 5th, which is a view I'm fond of.
Agreed that the routing is not the weakest part of Sandpiper, and I sure hope that work on the ground can help because 8 and 9 are two of my least favorite holes there and I have them routed pretty much the same. But to me it seemed a necessary sacrifice for improvement elsewhere.