I'm not sure the ANA was a "travesty"
Until that year (or perhaps the one previous) she wouldn't have even finished the round.
She clearly moved the ball.
Only she knows her intent (the same as at Troon) - but it's not hard to put the ball back in the same place and it's inexcusable to move it as far as she did.
And, would the reaction have been the same if it'd been a Korean player? I suspect not.
I'd suspect those most able to accurately guess LT's intent are her peers Want to share how she's regarded by the other players?
No - and I'm not close enough to really know anyway.
Sean A
I'm simply suggesting the reaction in the US would have been different if it'd been a Korean player.
In Madrid in the early 1980s Gordon Brand Jnr and Paul Way called Antonio Garrido for fudging his ball on a green.
He loudly protested his innocence and the Spanish press backed Garrido and gave the British players a hell of a time. No one doubted Gordon and Paul were right and the reaction would have been entirely different if the same incident had played out in England.
John Huggan did an anonymous player survey on the European Tour for Golf Digest a couple of years ago.
One question was: "Have you ever seen another player cheat?"
39 of 40 players said yes.
As Huggy says, "There is a lot more of it that goes on than people want to admit."